Noche Buena is very fast approaching & everybody is very busy in preparing themselves to welcome the very important event like this. There are those people who are preparing different kinds of foods,some are busy greeting relatives,friends & neighbors thru text,e-mail or by phone.
One event which is very much popular is the Maytinis held in Kawit,Cavite, which is being held every 24th of December,sometimes,starting as early as 6pm. This is some sort of a parade commemorating some events from the holy bible,starting from Creation & culminating in the birth of Jesus. The main activity here is the Panunuluyan or the time when Joseph & Mary were looking for a place to stay during that memorable night.This occasion is being lead by the Ina & Ama, by the different church organizations & of course also with the assistance of the local barangays in the town.