Saturday, February 27, 2010
Chile earthquake?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Our Lady of Fatima Church Binakayan

Monday, February 22, 2010
Our Lady of Fatima Binakayan,Cavite,Philippines
This is the ongoing beautification and make over of Our Lady of Fatima Church.After being neglected for quite sometime which made it lost its former beauty and especially its cleanliness, the pastoral council headed by the parish priest decided to concentrate on the beautification and cleanliness drive of the church.The different organizations and some individuals have already began in cleaning the church surroundings and also inside the church itself.One other main concern was the public comfort rooms, four male and four female, which had become unusable due to complete neglect that renders them very dirty and completely unsanitary to use.Now, after being completely cleaned and renovated, parishioners are now using this facility with much content.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Bethzy going to Dubai!
Monday, February 15, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010
Talisay,Batangas Town Fiesta 2010

Talisay,Batangas Town Fiesta February 10,2010 Part 1
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Fr. Vir's Birthday Celebration
Monday, February 8, 2010
A Celebration of Life

After this he thanked the Lord for giving him another year in his life and invited everybody to proceed upstairs in the "Convento" to have something to eat. Yearly, this has been the tradition so to speak, where ever parish he may be assigned he always see to it to thank first of all the God Almighty by celebrating the Holy Mass and then to invite all who ever may be present during the day to have something to eat and join him in this celebration.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"Honored lady Set was a chartered member of Tierra luz court no. 33, she had occupied different stations in the court like the station of Truth and court musician. But it was in the latter that she had occupied for quite some time.She was a very dedicated member of the court and she sees to it that she will be present in every regular and special meetings of the court to provide music that makes our meetings solemn and an enjoyable one.All throughout her being an Amaranth, HL Set had been an exemplar of what a true Amaranth should be. She did not only practice the lessons and virtues of our beloved Order inside but more did she practice those moral duties outside of the court. Yes, Honored Ladies and Sir Knights, the life that HL Set had lived as an Amaranth is truly worth emulating.
She left behind a very loving husband, SK Ben,
Two daughters, HL Naomi and HL Miko,
A son, SK Jhun-Jhun,
And four beautiful grandchildren."
This was the eulogy read by Hl Mercedes Viajedor,District Deputy Grand Royal Matron of District One and court secretary of Tierra Luz Court No. 33 Order of the Amaranth during the funeral rites in honor of the late HL Setsuko Miyata Gan held on February 1,2010 at Primera Luz Filipina Lodge No. 69, Binakayan, Cavite, Philippines.
It was in the morning of January 25,2010 when HL Lolit Handog received a text message from HL Rizalinda Altares PGRM stating that HL Set had passed away.
Her immediate reaction was to feel sad and have a feeling of loss, but later she realized that it was not that all bad because she (HL Set) is now free from all the troubles and worries of life especially the pain and agony that she is having due to her illness.She called HL Lyn to confirm the bad news and also to ask if HL Sets' remain would be flown back home from the States. HL Lolit then called the daughter of HL Set, HL Naomi and expressed her condolences and ask about their plan with regards to their mothers' death.She told HL Lolit that they(including SK Emer and the children) are now getting prepared to immediately fly to Virginia because their mothers' remains will be cremated on February 1,2010.This information was at once relayed to the royal matron HL Marites Vasquez who called up a special meeting of all available members to be held the following day and to discuss on how and when the funeral rites would be done even in the absence of the remains of HL Set and her whole family.So it was agreed during the said meeting that there should be at least one practice for the participating officers in order to render a fitting funeral rites and also that it be held Monday (February 1) to coincide with the cremation of her remains to be held also in the States.Practice was successfully done on Saturday afternoon, January 3o, headed by HL Lolit, Asst. Grand Lecturer for Tierra Luz Court and almost all the concerned officers attended the practice.
As agreed upon the funeral rites was held on the afternoon of February 1,2010.The members and officers of the Court started coming as early as 1:30 in the afternoon and then members of the sister courts started to arrive also.Merienda was served which included puto, cochinta and pancit. There were brewed coffee and some different kind of sodas. The ceremony was started at 3:30 pm and all sister courts were represented.There were two past Grand Royal Matrons present, HL Consuelo Racimo and HL Rizalina Altares.
A rectangular table was set between the altar and the west. It was covered with white linen and topped by a white lace. On top west of the table rest a blow up picture of HL Set, on the middle was a replica of an urn bearing her name and an amaranth emblem rest on its top, on the eastern top rest a spray of flowers.Right from the very start of the ceremony when the Royal Matron stood up to announce her intentions and the significance of the meeting, the room was transformed into a very solemn place. All of a sudden peace and harmony prevailed and everybody seems to be caught up in the rituals.When all the participating officers rose from their seats simultaneously without order from the Royal Matron,until they were all outside and also when just after a few minutes they were again entering the room to position themselves around the supposed to be catafalque, everyone was very quiet and really very attentive to the ongoing ceremony.On arriving on their respective stations, the Royal Patron started to give his charges, followed by the Prelate who delivered his prayers whereby everyone rises and placed themselves in the proper way in prayers.Afterwards everybody was seated and the Royal Matron with flowers on her hands walked and proceeded in front of the catafalque and while delivering her charges simultaneously deposited the flowers on top. This was followed by the Associate Matron, who also proceeded with a wreath on her hands, then upon arriving, delivered her charges and at the same time placing the wreath on top also.Then the Conductress followed to deliver her part, the Associate Conductress did as well. The Associate Patron gave his charges followed by the final charge of the Royal Patron. The Prelate then gave his final benediction signalling the end of the ceremony. Afterwards, Nearer My God To Thee was played and tears started to fall on some of the members and guests. Hl Lolit was charged with the playing of the accompanying soft and emotion filled music which added more to the solemnity of the occasion.Every officers recited their parts well, they were very proficient in the performance of their duties. Even the floor works went very smoothly if not so perfect.It was a very solemn and an excellent ceremony.One could hear the drop of a needle if that was to describe the quietness and peace that prevailed inside the room.Everyone was very attentive and cooperative.
The officers then automatically proceeded to their respective stations. When everyone was seated, the Royal Matron called on the HL Secretary to read the Eulogy. After the eulogy HL Rizalina Altares PGRM, read the response by SK Ben which was sent to her thru email.It was a very touching response.After this HL Lyn asked if there was anybody who would want to speak and say something about HL Set. HL Elong Racimo stood up and proceeded towards the east and escorted by SK Tony Mendoza.She spoke of how dedicated an Amaranth HL Set was and how warmly she would welcome everyone in every event that they would meet.HL Daisy Barcelona Grand Musician followed and she narrated how she was mentored by HL Set during her early times as a court musician. She would always consult with her about the different aspects of how to play the music especially during initiations.The Royal Matron of Far East Court followed and also had some beautiful and kind words to say about HL Set. SK Talicol talked of how brave and determined she was by marrying a US Serviceman in the person of SK Ben.The Royal Matron of Lumina Filipina Court followed and then Hl Catchy Araneta both with kinds words to say. SK Tony Mendoza had a lot to say about HL Set and they were all praises on her person and as a dedicated Amaranth. HL Lolit followed and almost fainted while delivering her message about how well she knew HL Set and that her favorite was Elvis Presley and also a song titled Rain. She talked about all her kindness and calm resolve.The Royal Matron then delivered her message and thank the sister courts in their participation and also the officers and members of the court. Finally PGRM Lyn,talked about how dedicated HL Set was and given a responsibility she would surely see to it that everything would be accomplished. And also that if given a task she would surely follow every rule governing this task and nobody could bend her no matter how high your position be or who ever you are, to disobey any of this rule. After this she gave thanks to everyone present.
Finally, flower offering followed and it was a very touching site to behold. I'm sure that every body whose life had been touch in one way or another by HL Set would surely miss her.
At this juncture the Royal Matron called the court to order and proclaimed the proceedings closed and ordered the officers to retire with her.
The guests were then again treated to a meal downstairs and it took them at least another hour or so to finally bid goodbye.
"And another has been called to swell the numbers in that unknown land wither our Honored Ladies and Sir Knights have gone before us"