It was held, February 14,2010 at Primera Luz Filipina Lodge No.69, Binakayan,Cavite,Philippines.
The second activity of the group for the year, the Sto. Nino Caracol last January being the first.Both having a big number of attendance and showing a relatively good sign of interest in the members.It started at 7:00pm and ended happily at 12:00mn.Sis. Cely Pabalan led the prayer before meal while Sis. Lolit Handog led the opening prayer of the program.The new chairman,Bro. Raz Plotado gave his opening remarks and thanked everybody for their support in the Caracol and for coming in the party.It was hosted by Sis. Vicky Santero and Bro. Juhn Arnan, who have to leave early for an earlier appointment.The foods were prepared by the different groups including the drinks and surely there was more than enough for everybody.The chaircouple donated the mignight snack which was so delicious, consisting of "pospas and tokwa".Some raffles were held and prizes were donated also by some members. A portion of the program was dedicated in remembering all the members by their respective units starting from Unit One to Unit Fifteen. There was a big laughter here when Bro. Jhun being the host, told the group that it was 1975 that the first unit was formed,yet inspite of the fact that it was already 35 years that had passed he was still feeling young, yet he had a hard time remembering the last number of unit he had called. It was Unit Fourteen who had the most number present.Music was provided by a mobile disco rented by the group. All expenditures with regards to rental of the venue and the mobile disco was easily taken cared of by means of the usual pass the hat system.Before the party ends, the Vice-Chairman gave his closing remarks by giving thanks to all present and hope to meet again on the next activities to come and reminded all about the planned activities for summer.All thoughout the night, it was fun, dancing and enjoyment.All in all it was a very successful get-together valentines party.
The group is now planning to have a "Pabasa" for the Lenten season and a "Summer Outing" for the month of April and will be finalized in the next meeting to be called by the Chairman.
The new sets of officers:
Chaircouple: Bro. Raz and Sis. Lou Plotado
Vice-Chaircouple: Bro. Rodel and Sis. Lolit Cavas
Treasurer/Acting Secretary: Sis. Lolit Handog
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